Monday, July 7, 2008

Cecelia's Eye

This is Cecelia Gallerani's eye. It is in a ceramic tile ad and whenever I find it I cut it out and use it somewhere. There are so many glorious images out there in magazines . This kind of visual grazing does a couple of things for me: it is a way to gather images and it also feeds my need to see wonderful things. I love the search as much as the finding. So download Cecelia's eye and use it in your own work.

Today's post is this page from the same Solstice book. This is a small format book--its 6" x 4 1/2". I like to use the red cellophane from red line tape and use a glue stick to paste it down--works great!
Also its fun to make a whole page of favorite stamps, scan it and then print it on a page of transparent labels. Thats what I did with the 2 hands doing the magic trick.

I'm also working on necklaces being very much inspired by Deryn Mentock.
Here is my first go about.

1 comment:

Kim Taylor Kruse said...

Ooh, I love all the danglies on the necklace! You struck a great balance with all of those seemingly unrelated items.