Lets see:
1. I had surgery on my back on November 4th
2. I had an amazing experience of healing after surgery when I truly felt all the healing energy of people's best wishes. It sounds woo-hoo, I know, but I did and I was grateful for it.
3. Stated back to work on November 24th.
4. Went to NM for Thanksgiving to be with family-was a sweet trip.
5. Our house is under construction for the last re-model.
6. Christmas ambushed me this year again and I am not ready.
7. And most of all, I am trying to find my way as an artist for the zillionth time.
I have stopped journaling and I really need to start again. It was such a huge force in my life and it was guaranteed "making" time as soon as I got up in the morning. I am not making mosaics, but I am saving wood from our construction project for future mosaics. I have been making quite a lot of found object jewelry. I gave most of it as gifts.
So, my promise to myself is to journal today and blog tomorrow.