Saturday, October 14, 2017


The narratives of my work often include alternate planes. I like that idea.
There was a time when there seemed to be lots of hype about this sacred place and that sacred place and people were making pilgrimages to these "sacred" places. I guess to experience a transformation of consciousness. That hype  enraged me because, again, it shut lots of people OUT. Me included. Elitism.
Perhaps it was Joseph Campbell who started me thinking about the ever present opportunity for the transcendent. It was practical, free and available at all times to EVERYONE!
No commodification. Isn't that funny? Commodification of the sacred?

Last year's journal page.
I've never experienced a ghost. Ghosts are like characters in a story. I do know people who claim to have personal experiences with ghosts. Wait! Sometimes I find myself responding to something I hear my grandma saying or my father saying. Or old friends who have died.
But I've never seen a ghost.
Only heard them I guess.

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