Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tango with a Hummingbird while My Heart is A-Float

Couldn't' resist this stunning tango image from a really good article in the New Yorker. The Hummie you know from that old National Geo. This collage pleases more & more I think because of the narrative its prone to.
Went to the Friends of the Library Book Sale & SCORED on books of photography. I needed some sources b/c my supply was dwindling. Now I have a wealth of images to cut & play!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Despair in the morning, Whistling for Fish

It is that way some mornings. Some evenings. Some days. Making work re-organizes my brain in to a beauty mode. Its a fight occasionally. At times there are disparaging thoughts that try to distract me & I have to bring myself back to the process of making. Little wee houses perched high on top of things. Hard to get to, hard to leave.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Had to throw one away!

This is the newest. I spent about a week on a collage that turned out to be irretrievable. I made a deal with myself that if that happens I throw it away. I wrestle a little, but I can also cry "uncle". Its not unusual for me to begin a collage totally believing that I can never really make another collage. 
I keep being dee-lighted by the idea that these are sketches for paintings. When will my courage appear? I imagine these to be LARGE paintings. At least 1/3 sheet luan, 31" X 4' or BIGGER. But then what?